Group Lesson 1: $60 per month
Private Lesson 1: $70 3 private lessons and 1 group in month
Private Lesson 2: $80 4 private lessons in 1 month
$35.00 Yearly Registration Fee

Monday, August 25, 2014


One of the most important part of learning to play an instrument is practicing, but students sometimes are not sure just how to practice.  To become a good musician you should spend a certain amount of time every day working on your music.  How you practice and how long you play will change as you become better at the piano.

1.  Play every day...Even if you are busy with homework or activities, a few minutes each day is better than one big practice session right before your lesson.

2.  Pick something to work on....It could be the notes, rhythm, or playing form memory.  Don't just play through your music a few times without thinking   Often it is helpful to pick a small section-maybe just a few measures or a line and work on it slowly and carefully.  Then pick another section.

3.  Notice details written in the music...  Composers give lots of information such as dynamics sharps, and flats, and other things written in the music.

4.  Check whether you are playing the rhythms correctly... Are you holding long notes for their full count?

I went to BYU Ed Week last week and loved the instructor Scott Braithwaite.  He gave some great advice on how to improve and progress at anything we do...Check out his prezi...I think you'll understand it even though it's lacking verbatim.


Thursday, August 21, 2014


Classes begin the first week of September.  I'm excited to TUNE the studio up and get us back into the incredible study of music education.  Dreary the Dragon was exciting and very popular in our Summer piano camps so.... I am extending the theme as we go to the Kingdom of Melody with piano duets and solos for our fall recital... FRIDAY,  October 10th.  Please put this on your calendar, and get your kids excited in re-creating the Kingdom Of Melody.  The children will be able to orchestrate their own repertoire and dress up like their piece to delight the audience through sight and sound!
We will be giving crystals again this year...KIDS LOVE THIS!  Look for your child's 100 day Perfect piano practice sheets.  Have them try to double their practice this year to 200 days!  Each week go through their lesson sheets with them and be interested in their practice....It's easier for children if practice is done at the same time each day.  I split up my daughters practice.  I had her practice her exercises and S/R in the morning, and her repertoire at night.  Try different practicing incentives for your child.  Help your child see that playing the piano is one thing they can do their entire life, a worthy virtue that's is worth their effort.  Most of all enjoy listening to them practice...Praise and compliment their practicing....MOST OF ALL HAVE FUN!