Group Lesson 1: $60 per month
Private Lesson 1: $70 3 private lessons and 1 group in month
Private Lesson 2: $80 4 private lessons in 1 month
$35.00 Yearly Registration Fee

Monday, March 10, 2008

1st Year Spring Recital May 15th 5:00-6:00p.m.

We will be holding our first year Spring Recital at the Weber County Library
May 15th, between 5-6pm. I will be giving your child a special piece to play for this recital next week. Please help your child learn this piece. In addition to their special piece, they will be able to choose an additional solo to play from this semester's learned pieces,(Please help them choose one). To end the recital two ensembles, Chinese Painting and Indian Echoes will be performed by all. I'm excited for you to hear the progress the students have made between Fall and Spring Recitals. As in the past we ask that you bring 1 dozen goodies to share for the reception after the recital. Thanks for your help!

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