Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Robert and Clara Shumann, two famous composers that were married during the romantic period of music. Robert said his marriage to Clara was the turning point in his artistic career. His wife was his greatest inspiration in writing music in their early years of marriage. He wrote many touching songs expressing his great love for Clara. They had 8 children! Robert wrote his own children a collage of 43 pieces called the Album for the Young. Schumann's music is imaginative, whimsical, youthful, fresh and lively. Clara was a concert pianist, performing many of Robert's compositions. Her father was a famous piano teacher named Friedrich Weich, who taught Robert how to play. He also started teaching Clara at age 5. She played in public the first time at age 12 being a child prodigy. She was an outstanding pianist and also composer. One of her most famous compositions was Sonata in G, Variations on a Theme of Robert Shumann, Op. 20. She was an amazing woman, bearing and taking care of her 8 children with all her household responsibilities, giving concert tours, writing music, then taking care of Robert when he became mentally ill. Amazing!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Halloween Pumpkin Face Coloring Contest
I will be giving out paper pumpkins for your ghouls and boys to decorate for our piano pumpkin decorating contest. Please return them to Ms. Susan next week so she can have them judged by Friday's celebration. I will also hang them up around the room at the piano gallery. If anyone has carved pumpkins they would like to bring, I would love to have them for decoration. THANKS A BUNCH for all your help!
HALLOWEEN Celebration of Sounds or Hall of Horrible Sounds / October 31st Piano Gallery
The annual Halloween Celebration will be on October 31st at the Piano Gallery. 1st and 2nd year students will perform at 11:00, and the 3rd, 4th, 5th and teen students at 12:30. Dress up, and please bring trick or btreats to resuscitate our piano victims at the end of the celebration.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Find out more about this mysterious composer by clicking on this website:
1st student in each year to tell me where this composer was born and when will earn 5 crystals! 1st student in each year to tell me what period of music he composed his music in and what was his most famous composition will earn 5 crystals!
1st student in each year to tell me where this composer was born and when will earn 5 crystals! 1st student in each year to tell me what period of music he composed his music in and what was his most famous composition will earn 5 crystals!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Our Fall Piano Celebration (Halloween recital), will be held on Friday, October 31st from 11:00 am -1:30 pm at the piano gallery. This fun celebration will incorporate the use of digital pianos in creating exciting sounds while student's perform their celebration piece. Set this date and time aside and get ready to listen to some fun and scary piano playing!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
JC BACH/September Composer of the month!
Every student that can't say and play 40 note flashcards in 1 minute should be practicing hard on their flashcards every day. I like the student to find and play their landmark flashes first which includes: HC, LC, TC, BC, MC's, TG, and BF. Add 3rds next which are all the E's and A's. Then add 2nds, B's and D's, 4ths and 5ths, G's and F's. If there are struggles with flashing from Landmark Notes, use the old method which is Bass Clef 5 lines name those lines: G,B,D,F,A. Bass Clef 4 spaces name those spaces: A,C,E,G. Treble Clef 5 lines name those lines: E,G,B,D,F. Treble Clef 4 spaces name those spaces: F,A,C,E. Point and say notes on staff and then on the keys. The children will become better sight readers by knowing their notes on the music and if sight-reading becomes easy, they have mastered a skill that will make piano playing easier.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Piano lessons will begin the week of September 2nd. I'm so excited to start back into our new fall schedule. Let's make this the best year ever. Remember to bring your new music, note and key signature flashcards, three ring binder, pencil and color pencils and a thumb drive. See you soon!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Does your child hate to practice? Be a piano practice influencer

I have been reading a superb book on influencing and changing people's behaviors. In the book there are many success stories about people that have helped others change their self defeating behaviors by influencing them to do good. Since this has worked in the corporate world, I have set out to change the attitude of our piano studio .
Every parent asks me the same question! How do I get my kids to practice? First, we need to look at the overall diagnosis of the behavior we want to change which is piano practice. We can't influence resistant and persistent behavior if we don't diagnose it. So what's influencing them to behave this way? Why don't they like to practice? Why do we have to force them or threaten to take privileges away if they don't practice?
These are the diagnosis questions to ask ourselves about our child's practice behavior: 1. Do they like it? 2. Are they personally able? 3. Do others motivate? 4. Do others enable? 5. Do things motivate? 6. Do things enable?
Ponder further: 1. Why don't they like it? Do we as a family make music more desirable and accessible our child? Do we influence our child in the following ways: Say "WE LOVE MUSIC" "MUSIC IS SO IMPORTANT", every time he practices, Will we watch live performances on Youtube of popular performers and talk about the performers skill that's required through practice to play that difficult work, Will we ask him how he would feel if that were him playing?, Will we play incredible (10+) music in the home and take an active interest in all forms of music, Will we watch movies say WOW, listen to the music doesn't it sound scary, sad, happy etc.
2. Why do they believe they can't do it? Is it because they haven't practiced? Is the repertoire too hard? Does practicing hurt their hands, neck or back? Many different areas of influence can be given. If your child can't do it because of non-practice see above for proper influencing techniques, If the study material is too hard or if they are hurting physically talk to me. Give your child a massage and listen to classical music or read a book at the end of their practice session. Your child would love the attention!
3/4. Do others motivate or enable child? Parents you pay for their tuition, but do you encourage them to bring their books, 3-ring binders, pencils and thumb drive to lessons every week? Do they have a quality, tuned instrument to practice on? Are you excited and positive when you drive them to lessons? IE: I'm so proud of you for taking piano lessons, you are going to be able to serve and make others happy with this talent, I know how excited you must be to go to lessons since you practiced so hard this week. Wait until Ms. Susan hears you! When we get home let's see if we can find your piano piece on you tube, itunes, let's record you playing your piece when you learn it really good and then let's put your recording on you tube. Friends enable? I'm sorry you would rather play with Johnny today instead of going to piano lessons, but when we get back let's call him over and show him what you learned today. Friends and sports might be enablers, however take control of the situation with powerful influencing skills. You can also make up a story to tell your child. IE: When I was a little boy I hated to practice, but my friend Henry loved to practice. I was lazy I would have rather played with my toys or watched T.V. Henry played with his toys and watched T.V. but he first practiced. Do you know what? To this day I wish I could play the piano and to be as good as Henry. Henry has been able to help many people and also his family by working hard when he was little practicing the piano! I wonder who do you want to be like? Keep the story going each week. Get a little more detailed. The best way to influence people is with a story! A good story needs a villain, a Hero, and a person that is in between that can't decide to choose right or wrong.
5. Do things Motivate? I love awards and rewards. I'm working hard on influencing the extrinsic reward system in the studio. Parents influence your children with my rewards. Wow, what did you get for practicing so hard, how many crystals did you get today, work on getting the AAA pin this year, I think you can get the 100% practice trophy this year let's set that as a goal, if you practice all week without being asked, I will make your favorite treat on Sunday etc. It would be OK to have your own reward system at home to influence your child's vital behavior changes if these awards are too overstimulating and is enabling your child's progress.
6. Do things enable? I have all the tools each student needs to become successful with their studies. Fun digital pianos with many different sounds and rhythms, beautiful scores of music, motivating games and enticing treats. I will be conscience of my over stimulation of these tools to not enable, but to influence practice.
I know every student can have successful practice this year. I know the results can be staggering if we will learn to influence our child's behavior to love music. Children love what parent's love. If it's important to you, it will be important to them. This year turn our hearts to music study. Let's have joy and love in the journey.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
1st Year Spring Recital May 15th 5:00-6:00p.m.
I hope everyone is getting excited for our 1st year recital on the 15th. Please review your recital pieces including announcing your piece and bowing at the end of your performance. The students will be doing two ensemble numbers at this recital. Chinese Painting and Indian Echoes as well as their own pieces. I will also have them perform their very own composer piece. Please bring 1 dozen goodies to share at the reception which will be at the end of the recital.
Piano Awards Swim Party Wednesday, May 21st at 3pm
Last week of piano lessons will be May 12th. We will end this semesters study with a swim party on Wednesday, May 21st at 3pm. I will be presenting piano awards at this party. The metropolis store will also be open so bring all your crystals to cash in for some fun prizes. Everyone bring 1 dozen goodies to share at the party, your swim suits and a towel. Remember girls to take off all your jewelry, since you can't wear any in the pool. Hope to see you all there.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
CALLED TO SERVE MISSIONARY HYMNS! If you can pass off these selected hymns with the following stipulations you will receive a free Mo-Tab C.D. "Called to Serve", Retail Value $16.98 The following stipulations include: 1. Play all hymns at lowest metronome speed marked. 2. Only 3 stumbles per hymn. (Stops, wrong rhythm, notes, missing b's #'s all included as stumbles). 3. Need to play introduction. WORK HARD!
Only 15 Hymns away from becoming a great missionary!
Called to Serve #249
Redeemer of Israel #6
I’ll Go Where You Want Me To Go #270
How Firm a Foundation #85
I Am a Child of God #301
I Believe in Christ #134
I’m Trying to Be Like Jesus #78
Ye Elders of Israel #319
I Know That My Redeemer Lives #136
High On a Mountain Top #5
He Sent His Son #34
Come, Come, Ye Saints #30
This is the Christ
God Be With You #152
The Spirit Of God Like a Fire is Burning #2
Only 15 Hymns away from becoming a great missionary!
Called to Serve #249
Redeemer of Israel #6
I’ll Go Where You Want Me To Go #270
How Firm a Foundation #85
I Am a Child of God #301
I Believe in Christ #134
I’m Trying to Be Like Jesus #78
Ye Elders of Israel #319
I Know That My Redeemer Lives #136
High On a Mountain Top #5
He Sent His Son #34
Come, Come, Ye Saints #30
This is the Christ
God Be With You #152
The Spirit Of God Like a Fire is Burning #2
Sunday, April 20, 2008
I hope everyone enjoyed the recital as much as I did. The students performances were superb. There were a few stumbles of course because of nervous jitters, but overall the recital was fabulous. I was proud of the work they put into memorizing their piano pieces. This is a mark of excellence! Thank you parents for all your support! Of course with each and every recital, I find what I can improve upon, but I love challenging myself with different goals to keep our piano recitals fresh and alive. I loved the power point presentation that Emily and Ashley made. It was beautiful and fun. We'll have to do it again, but maybe instead of Emily and Ashley finding every picture, we can have help from each student. The biggest improvement we can make in our recitals are the ensembles. We really need all students that perform in an ensemble to be present at all of our ensemble practices. As you could see some of the groups knew their parts well and others did not. If we are going to play ensembles as a studio, students need to come to every rehearsal, and bring their music. I was without two conductor scores on Saturday because of children forgetting their music. I couldn't help que students in and out because of this. They also need to play with their metronome, count and listen to each other so we can all stay together. Playing ensembles are challenging, but are so good for the students. You ask why I continue to have the students play ensembles? I know how good they are for each piano student. They learn so much about themselves. They realize that it's not all about them. They have to have faith in each other to reach the goal of making the ensemble sound beautiful. It's hard work, students have to pay attention 24/7. Thank you again for attending the recital, It was truly an adventure!
Friday, April 18, 2008
Awards will be given at the end of the year piano party on May 21st, at 3:00pm. I will give a medal to everyone who passes their olympic tests, awards to all members of the AAA club, 100 days of practice club, 100% practice for both semesters club, Hymn club
(Those students who have passed off 10,25,50,and 100+ hymns). I will then give an award to the student who has the most memorized pieces or pages this semester, an award to whomever can play their scales, arpeggios and cadences the best, and then the most prestigious award the MOST OUTSTANDING PIANO STUDENT OF THE YEAR. I choose this award based upon practice, obedience, memorization, technique, theory (piano olympics) and just being an overall joy to teach. If any of you have completed your star awards this year, you will receive a very special prize! LET ME KNOW IF YOUR CHILD HAS COMPLETED ANY OF THESE AWARD AREAS. THANKS!
(Those students who have passed off 10,25,50,and 100+ hymns). I will then give an award to the student who has the most memorized pieces or pages this semester, an award to whomever can play their scales, arpeggios and cadences the best, and then the most prestigious award the MOST OUTSTANDING PIANO STUDENT OF THE YEAR. I choose this award based upon practice, obedience, memorization, technique, theory (piano olympics) and just being an overall joy to teach. If any of you have completed your star awards this year, you will receive a very special prize! LET ME KNOW IF YOUR CHILD HAS COMPLETED ANY OF THESE AWARD AREAS. THANKS!
"SIGHT READING SUMMER" Summer Piano Program 2008
I am now enrolling students in my summer piano program: “A SIGHT READING SUMMER”.This program will help children be able to sight read with ease if they practice. I will be conducting the piano classes on the following dates: June 3rd, 10th, 17th, and July 22nd, and 29th. We will end with a swim party for our closing social on August 6th. Cost for the camp will be $75.00. Children that are signed up for the summer program will have first scheduling options for fall. If you do not want your child to take summer lessons and would like your child to continue to study with me in the fall, a non-refundable deposit of $50.00 will be required to keep your child on my piano list. In other words I would like all my students to take summer lessons. The program times are listed below along with the piano books we’ll be using for summer study: My goal is to complete the Group study book and one Private study book throughout the summer for each student.
Pre-piano group lesson 1-2pm NO BOOKS NECESSARY
1st year group lesson 2-3pm
Group study book: Piano Camp Book 1…Montgomery / Private Study Books Choose One:
At the Candy Shop…Poe
Best of Martha Mier Book 1…Mier
Accent on Solos…Gillock
A Patriotic Celebration Book 1…Bober
Solo Flight…Clark
Outrageously Fun Solos for the Formerly Bored Piano Student Book 1…Kelsey
2nd year group lesson 10-11am
Group study book: Piano Camp Book 2…Montgomery / Private Study Books Choose One: Simon Says…Poe
Primary Passages Book 1…Hammond
Diversions 10 early-level piano solos… Pearce
Pedal Pushers…Poe
Outside My Window…Setliff
Our Small World…Olson
Martha Mier’s Favorite Solos Book 1…Mier
Jon George Musical Moments…George
Creative Activities for the Piano (Sea Life)… Nancy Telfer
3rd year group lesson 3-4pm
Group study book: Piano Camp Book 3…Montgomery / Private Study Books Choose One: Bean Bag Zoo…Rollin
Keyboard Challenges…Fischer
Rowlf’s Very Own First Piano Book…Olson
Rowlf’s Very First Book of Classic Themes…Olson
Boogie, Rock and Country Level1…Bastien
Outrageously Fun Solos for the Formerly Bored Piano Student Book 2…Kelsey
Escapades Book 1…Chatman
Creative Activities for the Piano (Garden Creatures)… Nancy Telfer
4th year group lesson 11-12am
Group study book: Piano Camp Book 4…Montgomery / Private Study Books Choose One:
Merry and Mellow…Sheftel
Celebrated Piano Solos Book 1 or 2…Vandall
Soda Pop and Other Delights…Niamath
All Year Round…Niamath
Mouse on a Mirror…Keveren
Splattered With Fun…Austin
Supplementary Solos level 1…Clark
The Best of Martha Mier…Mier
Around the World on 88 Keys…Cooper
Outrageously Fun Solos for the Formerly Bored Piano Student Book 3…Kelsey
5th/6th year 9-10am
Group study book: Vacation MagicBook 4…Bastien / Private Study Books Choose One: Celebrated Piano Solos book 3 or 4…Vandall
Just For You Book 2…Alexander
A Splash of Color Book 1…Alexander
Celebrated Piano Solos Book 5…Vandall
A Zoo For You…Niamath
Performing in Style…Alexander
Contest Winners Book 1 or 2…Alfred Composers
Accent on Gillock Volume Five…Gillock
Outrageously Fun Solos for the Formerly Bored Piano Student Book 4…Kelsey
Teen 8-9am
Group study book: Hymns / Private Study Books Choose One:
Piano Favorites…Olson
Summer Vacation…Rollin
Bagatelles Volume 2…Vandall
Sounds of Spain Book 2…Rollin
24 Character Preludes…Alexander
Contest Winners Book 3…Alfred Composers
Amusements Book 3…Chatman
Pre-piano group lesson 1-2pm NO BOOKS NECESSARY
1st year group lesson 2-3pm
Group study book: Piano Camp Book 1…Montgomery / Private Study Books Choose One:
At the Candy Shop…Poe
Best of Martha Mier Book 1…Mier
Accent on Solos…Gillock
A Patriotic Celebration Book 1…Bober
Solo Flight…Clark
Outrageously Fun Solos for the Formerly Bored Piano Student Book 1…Kelsey
2nd year group lesson 10-11am
Group study book: Piano Camp Book 2…Montgomery / Private Study Books Choose One: Simon Says…Poe
Primary Passages Book 1…Hammond
Diversions 10 early-level piano solos… Pearce
Pedal Pushers…Poe
Outside My Window…Setliff
Our Small World…Olson
Martha Mier’s Favorite Solos Book 1…Mier
Jon George Musical Moments…George
Creative Activities for the Piano (Sea Life)… Nancy Telfer
3rd year group lesson 3-4pm
Group study book: Piano Camp Book 3…Montgomery / Private Study Books Choose One: Bean Bag Zoo…Rollin
Keyboard Challenges…Fischer
Rowlf’s Very Own First Piano Book…Olson
Rowlf’s Very First Book of Classic Themes…Olson
Boogie, Rock and Country Level1…Bastien
Outrageously Fun Solos for the Formerly Bored Piano Student Book 2…Kelsey
Escapades Book 1…Chatman
Creative Activities for the Piano (Garden Creatures)… Nancy Telfer
4th year group lesson 11-12am
Group study book: Piano Camp Book 4…Montgomery / Private Study Books Choose One:
Merry and Mellow…Sheftel
Celebrated Piano Solos Book 1 or 2…Vandall
Soda Pop and Other Delights…Niamath
All Year Round…Niamath
Mouse on a Mirror…Keveren
Splattered With Fun…Austin
Supplementary Solos level 1…Clark
The Best of Martha Mier…Mier
Around the World on 88 Keys…Cooper
Outrageously Fun Solos for the Formerly Bored Piano Student Book 3…Kelsey
5th/6th year 9-10am
Group study book: Vacation MagicBook 4…Bastien / Private Study Books Choose One: Celebrated Piano Solos book 3 or 4…Vandall
Just For You Book 2…Alexander
A Splash of Color Book 1…Alexander
Celebrated Piano Solos Book 5…Vandall
A Zoo For You…Niamath
Performing in Style…Alexander
Contest Winners Book 1 or 2…Alfred Composers
Accent on Gillock Volume Five…Gillock
Outrageously Fun Solos for the Formerly Bored Piano Student Book 4…Kelsey
Teen 8-9am
Group study book: Hymns / Private Study Books Choose One:
Piano Favorites…Olson
Summer Vacation…Rollin
Bagatelles Volume 2…Vandall
Sounds of Spain Book 2…Rollin
24 Character Preludes…Alexander
Contest Winners Book 3…Alfred Composers
Amusements Book 3…Chatman
Monday, March 31, 2008
PIANO OLYMPICS 2008/Testing 2nd week of May
What are piano Olympics? It is a program I have created to see how much the piano student has learned through the academic year. I test them on theory, technique, harmonization, and sight reading. They will perform a piece, hymn if applicable and then I will listen to their original composition. All students will perform in the piano olympics. I will then give them the medal they earned whether it be bronze, silver or gold at our piano party on May 16th from 4-6pm. This will be the end of this semester's piano study. I will ensure every student knows what to expect at the Olympics. All student's will easily be able to pass if they study the material I give them. Make sure you help them with this at home so they fill comfortable with all the material.
I need you to help your child submit their recital pictures immediately so I can start working on the slide show presentation for their performance. Please don't wait until a day before the recital, because I'm a novice at this and I don't really know what I'm doing. Any help would be appreciated.
Since we didn't have all of our students show up at the last ensemble practice, I will need to schedule another before the recital on the 19th. If your child does not attend this practice they will not be able to play at the recital. PRACTICE TIMES: 4-4:30pm, (Silky Stars and Powder Mountain practice), 4:30-5:15pm, (African Drum, and Navajo Sunset practice),5:15-6:00pm (Lavender Blue, and Moonlight Performance). All the ensemble performers who play their ensemble part hole in one at the practice will receive 10 crystals. Work hard on your part and count, count, count!
April composer of the month- Sergei Rachmaninoff
Sergei Rachmaninoff is one of my favorite composers. First one in each class to tell me when he was born and what period of music he composed in receives 10 crystals. Have fun listening to his music this month. Here are some listening suggestions. Prelude in C-Sharp Minor, Op.3, No.2; Prelude in G Minor, Op. 23,
No. 5; Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, Op 43; Piano Concerto No. 2 in C Minor,
Op. 18. Have fun learning about him this month.
No. 5; Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, Op 43; Piano Concerto No. 2 in C Minor,
Op. 18. Have fun learning about him this month.
Monday, March 10, 2008
1st Year Spring Recital May 15th 5:00-6:00p.m.
We will be holding our first year Spring Recital at the Weber County Library
May 15th, between 5-6pm. I will be giving your child a special piece to play for this recital next week. Please help your child learn this piece. In addition to their special piece, they will be able to choose an additional solo to play from this semester's learned pieces,(Please help them choose one). To end the recital two ensembles, Chinese Painting and Indian Echoes will be performed by all. I'm excited for you to hear the progress the students have made between Fall and Spring Recitals. As in the past we ask that you bring 1 dozen goodies to share for the reception after the recital. Thanks for your help!
May 15th, between 5-6pm. I will be giving your child a special piece to play for this recital next week. Please help your child learn this piece. In addition to their special piece, they will be able to choose an additional solo to play from this semester's learned pieces,(Please help them choose one). To end the recital two ensembles, Chinese Painting and Indian Echoes will be performed by all. I'm excited for you to hear the progress the students have made between Fall and Spring Recitals. As in the past we ask that you bring 1 dozen goodies to share for the reception after the recital. Thanks for your help!
Monday, March 3, 2008
Ensemble Friday March 28th
Work hard on your ensemble piece this month because on March 28th, we will see which class can play their ensemble the best! Remember 1st, 2nd and 3rd year will come at 4-5pm, and 4th, 5th, 6th and teen will come at 5-6pm. Be sure to bring your crystals, the store will be open. New items have been added, so try to earn as many crystals as you can.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
SPRING RECITAL April 19th 4-6pm @ Piano Gallery
Don't forget to mark your calendars for our Spring Recital on April 19th between 4 and 6 p.m., at the piano gallery. We will have 20 children play at 4:00, and 20 play at 5:00. The student's need to have one memorized piece ready to perform. I will ask some student's to perform two. STUDENTS!!! Work hard on your recital piece, as well as your ensemble piece. I would like to have our ensemble pieces ready to perform at this recital as well.
I would like to put together a slide show of the nature pieces that each student will perform during our Spring Recital on April 19th, but I need your help! Find some pictures on the internet, or take pictures that look like your child's piece. Then put them together into a slide show. Be sure to time your child's piece, so the slide show doesn't go over. This will require some work, but how fun! Make this into a family project. Then send the slide show to me via e-mail so I can start piecing it together. I don't know exactly how I will end up putting it together, so if someone would like to donate some time to help me, I would really appreciate it.
HAYDN Composer of the month!
FRANZ JOSEPH HAYDN is the composer of the month for March. First one in each class that can tell me when and where he was born and the instruments he played will receive 10 crystals. Listen to his music, write it down, then receive 2 crystals for every song listened to. I've listed some of his greatest works. Piano: Piano Sonata in E-flat Major; Piano Concerto in G Major; and Piano Concerto in D Major. Orchestra: Symphony No. 94 in G major (The Suprise); Symphony No. 101 in E-flat Major (The Clock) One of our illustrious students played The Clock in the WSU Honors recital on March 1st. The first one to find out who played it will receive 10 crystals. String Quartet: The Joke; The Frog; and the Sunrise. Oratorio: The Creation. Have fun listening to and learning about Haydn this month!
Friday, February 22, 2008
GOOD LUCK TO OUR 3 STUDENTS' WHO WILL BE PERFORMING IN THE WSU FESTIVAL SATURDAY. Mikaela Frongner, Richard Huang, and Austin Schaffer! These students have worked extrememly hard sometimes practicing three to four hours a day. WAY TO GO!
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Remembering President Hinckley
One of President Gordon B. Hinckley's famous quotes is:
Think of this every day before practicing.
Think of this every day before practicing.
Friday, February 1, 2008
PRACTICE MAKE PERFECT! The roll of the dice!
I have started a dice game with the students this month. What I do is roll the dice. Whatever number appears is how many times the student gets to play the section perfectly for a crystal. I have them play with the metronome making it even more challenging. I would like you to play this game with your child when practicing this month. Roll the dice, start with one section at a time, (preferably the hardest) then take two sections, then three and so on. Add the metronome, when they become more proficient. See who wins, the dice, or your child. Have a creative prize for them, if they can beat the dice!
HANDEL February Composer of the Month
This month we will be talking George Frideric Handel. First one in each class to tell me what period of music he wrote, his birthdate, where he lived and what instruments he played will receive 10 crystals. Some of his greatest works you can listen to are: Water Music, Fireworks Music, The Harmonious Blacksmith, or the Messiah. Receive 2 crystals for every song listened to.
Ensemble Friday February 22nd!
On your mark, get set, go, to ensemble Friday February 22nd! I will be combining classes to see if I can get more participation. 1st, 2nd and 3rd year will come between 4-5pm. 4th, 5th, and Teens will come between 5-6pm. I hope this will accomodate your schedules better. Ensemble Friday is fun. We learn about the composer of the month, play games, practice our ensembles and listen to other student's perform. Afterward we buy fun prizes at the metropolis store with the crystals earned throughout the month. Hope to see you there this month!
Dinner with Susan Ogilvy
You know all those cool ensembles that you play on the piano? They are written by this famous composer, Susan Ogilvy! After ensemble Friday on the 25th, JeeWon and I were invited to have dinner with her at the Olive Garden. She is silly, fun, kind, generous, captivating, intelligent, and I wish you all could have met her. Susan loves to teach and compose music for kiddos, she's passionate about her work! I'm very blessed to have studied with her and to be able to call her my friend. Susan has taught me so much about digital pianos. She is the guru of digital pianos, the bomb! Love you Susan! Thanks for all you do!
Friday, January 4, 2008
Who can gain membership into this prestigious Club? Any student can join that memorizes 3 pieces to perform anytime, anywhere, in front of anyone. A new semester, A new Club . Get your AAA card this semester and score big in more ways than one!
Ensemble Friday
January 25th will be the day. Teens, 3-4pm, 1-2yr, 4-5pm, and 3-5yr, 5-6pm. Remember to bring your crystals, the metropolis store will be open to buy Valentine Day treats.
100 days of Practice challenge!
Challenge Ms. Susan to 100 days of practice. Yes, I think I can do it and if I can do it so can you! Click on Practice makes "Purr-fect" to see who else practices!
Thursday, January 3, 2008
I would like to post more pictures of our students. If you have any fun pictures from our last recital please share them with me. This will be alot of fun for all to see.
10 crystals for the first student in each level to find the birthdate of Mozart and what period of music he wrote in. Remember if you listen to Mozart's songs and list them, you receive 2 crystals per song. You can earn alot of crystals this way and you'll learn to love Mozart's music! Listen to Mozart's Sonata No. 15 playing as you read this, write it down and you automatically have two crystals. You also can click onto the music website at the bottom of EZ.track to listen to more Mozart for more crystals.
(A) LIST PIANO PIECES! (Fall 2007)
Here are the piano pieces that made the A list for Fall Semester 2007: Firedance; Still, Still, Still; I'm Late; Song of Joy; Colors of the Wind; Students, it's not too late to put your favorite piano piece for Fall 2007 on this blog.
Are you ready to begin our Spring Semester? I hope so. I'm totally excited to share the new semester's theme with you. Our recitals theme is NATURE! Our recital will be on April 19th, from 4-6p.m. at the piano gallery. Everyone will need to memorize one piece and have one ensemble part prepared for this recital. Mark your calendars now and get ready for this fun recital.
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